Thursday, January 24

Applying Theory: My Opening Sequence

Binary Opposites - Claude Levi-Strauss

Good vs. Evil
Innocence vs. Corrupt
Sanity vs. Insanity
In control vs. Subservient
Drugged vs. Sober

Action + Enigma Codes - Roland Barthes

Action codes - Events leading to other events, the audience wonders what will happen next

She fell over - So, will he catch her now?
He has caught her - Will he kill?

Enigma codes - The audience asks the reason for an event

Why she on the floor
Why she is wearing a silk, white dress
Why she appears to be druggd

Narrative Structure - Tzvetan Todorov
It follows a different structure depending who you are viewing the situation from, red is the girl/rest of the world, blue is the villain.

Equilibrium - The film goes straight into the diruption

- This young girl being captured - also outside of film time (happened before)
- Also the fact that she has obviously escaped

Recognition of disorder
- The police are looking for her (news report)
- The villain has come after her - he noticed she was gone

Attempt to repair
- She has escaped
- He recaptured her and then killed her

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