Thursday, January 31


I think the area which i was influenced more in was cinematography, particualrly by Shrooms and The Blair Witch Project.

Shrooms has a similiar theme of drugs in it (although they are recreational) and so the use of an effect called 'Shutter speed' gave my group 2 fantastic POV shots which they use on characters to show what state they are in. Shrooms also has an aerial shot in a forest which is so effective and gives so much impact that it made me/my group want to try it, so one of my group stood on a tree stump with the tripod and camera fully extended and the shot looked really great. In the end though due to continuity we couldn't use it - there were no trees in this aerial shot but where we shot the chase there were lots of trees either side. Shrooms also had some really effective side tracks from behind trees (i.e. the trees maskd the view of the characters sometimes) - which we also did and used in one shot which fades into a title as it goes behind the tree.

I loved the Blair Witch Project camerawork because it was jumpy and chaotic it mae the situation even more jumpy, our camera work was quite shakey because obviously we had to run with the camera but i think the effect is amazing. The diegetic sound in the Blair Witch Project is also brilliant, i rewatched the ending of it without the sound to understand what was going on (it was too scary with the sound) and it made so much less impact. The diegetic sound really does make the film, so i personally spent a lot of time trying to perfect our diegetic sound to give greater effect.

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